The term "NATURE VS NURTURE", represents the common debate, on why you act or are the way you are was it in your genes, or your experiences have formed you? Throughout the years scientists have discovered that how you look is in your DNA, but cannot yet tell if the way you social interact is in your genes. This has been a hot topic in approximately the las fifteen years. The term "NATURE VS NURTURE" was first used by Francis Galton, he was Charles Darwin cousin and was mostly influenced by his cousin's book "The Origin of Species". It would be a great discovery to tell who "wins" between NATURE VS NURTURE because it would let us understand why some people act the way they do. The most influential topics on this debate are: athletic ability, intelligence, criminal behavior, personality, homosexuality and a person's creativity. The main question is whether you were born with this traits or from practice and personal experience you developed this traits. Most of the psychologists think most of what we get to do is nurtured to us rather than passed biologically. I think most of this traits are nurtured but people receive more thing biologically than their looks.
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